It's Time To Get Fat. Real Fat!

Leaf Lard Pig Pail-1 GALLON
  • Leaf Lard Pig Pail-1 GALLON - Fatworks: The Defenders of Fat!
  • Leaf Lard Pig Pail-1 GALLON - Fatworks: The Defenders of Fat!
  • Leaf Lard Pig Pail-1 GALLON - Fatworks: The Defenders of Fat!

For bulk bakers and Lard enthusiasts, we have created a 1 Gallon (that's 7.2 lbs. if you were wondering) of the Pasture-Raised Leaf Lard for a more economical way to source the highest quality lard in the land.  Packed in a temperature-rated, BPA-free bucket, you get more pig for your penny and a bit more swine for your dime when you buy pork leaf fat for sale in a bulk bucket-style.

The "Pig Leaf Lard Pail" is the equivalent of purchasing 8 of our 14 oz Pasture-Raised Leaf Lard jars. (A gallon of fat is 115.2 oz)

Pasture Raised Leaf Lard is our highest quality lard for baking. Leaf Lard is artisanally crafted in open kettles from the highly prized "leaf fat" of the pig. This is an internal cut of fat that does not have any muscle tissue and is hence very "neutral" in flavor. In other words, it's not very porky.  It creates a very creamy texture perfect to use as a shortening or cooking oil.  As with all our Pork products, this Leaf Lard is Pasture Raised on Pastures and woodlots and the pigs are given Non-Gmo feed their whole lives.  Leaf Lard is famous for baking but is great for everyday cooking as well.  The perfect way to replace those "industrialized seed oils" from your diet. You'll love it for everything from browning meat sautéing veggies and baking treats.

None of our products have added hormones or antibiotics and all are pasture raised on small U.S. sustainable and regenerative family farms!  Extra delicious, naturally shelf stable with a high smoke point (375°F). Fatworks' Pasture Raised Leaf Lard meets the highest standards of Gourmet Cooks, Passionate Bakers, Keto, Carnivore and Paleo followers, as well as those who know enough to Just Eat Real Food!

Ingredients: Pasture Raised Pork Lard, Organic Rosemary Extract (.1%)